Final Destination
2011.11.19. 16:50
43 x ELITE, BEST, 2 x BETTER, 12 x GOOD, 10 x NICE
- 2 x Nagyon Szp L
- 2 x Nice StallionMMF Tavaszi Kllem Lova
- 2 x Ponyisland Champion
Best Appearanche Horse in 2010, Best Dressage Horse in 2010 Spring, Champion Horse, First of March Champion Appearanche Horse, Best Horse in MMF, Beautiful, The Second Star Horse, Csods L, High-class of Eclipse Stables, Wery Nice Appearance Horse, Third Appearance Horse on Beauty & Elegance Dressage, Elegance Dressage Horse, Professional, Legszebb Tavaszi Klleml, II. bc Kllem Bajnok, The Winner Horse in the N, Storm & Wind Beauty Horse, Very Good Dressage Horse, Best Nouvelle Lune Race Apearance Horse, 2nd Nouvelle Lune Raceday's Horse, Nouvelle Lune Champion, Nice Dressage Horse in LS, BOhB (Best of Horse Breed), Happy Birthday MMF 3rd Party Horse, PonyIsland Beautiful Stallion, 2nd of First Summer Appearance, Beautiful Stallion Horse, Gynyr Mn L, Champion Trot Horse, Champion in 2010 DLVP Gait Krng, Champion Canter Horse, Champion Bay Horse, Champion in 2010 II. Domino Colour Krng, Nice Germany Horse in PLK, The Most Beautiful Horse in the Summer, Champion, First, Csods djl, Beautiful dressage horse, Beautiful Horse in 2010, Legszebb Alma szn L, Legszebb Gymlcs vagy Zldsg Szn l, Good Oldenburger Horse, WNLK CHAMPION, Eindhoven's Best Horse, Perfect Dressage Horse, Beautiful Horse with woman equestrian, Beautiful F Named Horse in DLVP, Champion in Domino ABC Appearance, Very Good Halloween Horse in 2010, Very Beautiful Horse in BHP, Very Beautiful, Very Good Halloween Horse in 2010, Very Beautiful Horse in BHP, Very Beautiful, Most Beautiful Appearance Horse, 1st Placed of Appearance with Birth Years, PonyIsland Grand Champion, Champion Dressage Horse, Champion in Szakgak Versenye in DLVP, 3rd Placed of GP Horses' Championship, Super Dressage Horse, Legszebb MLK Lovas Vilgkupai L, Premium Dressage Horse, 2nd in Sportlovak jszakja in DLVP, Bay Stallion Appearance Horse, Champion in VI. Domino Colour Krung, Best Young Dressage Horse, 1st Placed of Breeding Race of Young Horses, Nice Background Competition Horse, Young Appearance Horse, 2nd Placed of Breeding Race of Young Horses, Wonderful Stallion, 2nd Placed of Appearance for Ferrero Rocher, Champion Stallion, 1st Placed of Appearance for Ferrero Rocher, Beautiful Dressage Horse in BHP, Very Good Ferrero Rocher Horse, GHP Gynyrsge, Gynyr Pej Szn L, Legszebb Oldenburgi Fajtj L, GHP Legszebbje, Champion Cantering Horse in DLVP, Champion in II. Gait Krng, Champion Trotting Horse in DLVP, Champion in II. Gait Krng, Champion Dressage Horse in DLVP, Champion L Horse in II. Domino Dressage Cup, Beautiful Appearance for Everybody Horse, Mystery's Bello, Very Good Aussehen Hengst, 2nd in Brillant Kupa Herbst, Kivl szbcsztat Djlovagl L, Best Harmony Horse, 1st Placed on Harmony Appearance, Better Sporthorse in Dressage, 3rd Placed of Dressage for Only Sporthorses, Wonderful Horses 'Kind' Appearance Horse, Csodlatos Oldenburgi L, Best II. Sporthorse in Dressage, Good Horse on November & December Dressage, III. Monarchia Hziverseny 2. helyezettje Djlovagls Kategriban, 2nd Oldenburger Horse in DLVP, 2nd in Domino Breed's Appearance, Nice Appearance Horse in WNLK, 2nd in Big Horse Appearance, Beautiful Appearance Horse, Good Appearance Horse in WNLK 3rd Appearance, Darius de Azevedo Champion, Nice Oldenburg Horse, Best Appearance Horse of Monarchia ABC Appearance, Absolute LetterWinner of Monarchia ABC Appearance Placed of Knock Out Dressage, Winner Horse in PonyIsland, Perfect Dressage Horse, Excellent Dressage Horse in CdO, CdO Champion, 2nd Placed Dressage Horse in 50. Jubilee Competition, 2nd Placed M Horse in 50. Jubilee Competition, Colorful Appearance 1st Horse, Winner Horse, Excellent Oldenburg Horse, Legszebb Djl, 1st Placed of Appearance for Dressage Horses, Imperial Appearance Horse of PonyIsland, 1st Placed of Drink's Appearance, Absolute Winner Horse of Drink's Appearance, Horse & Me Appearance Winner, Very Beautiful Horse with a Bay Category, GOLDEN TEA, Champion in Dressage in DLVP Champion on 1st day in Big Golden Tea Cup, Monarchia D&D Kupa 1. helyezettje, Kivl Djlovagl L a Monarchia D&D Kupn, Best F Alphabet Horse in CdO, Nice Easy Dressage Horse, Nouvelle Lune Champion, Beautiful Stallion Horse, Nouvelle Lune Appearance, Most Beautiful Horse in PonyIsland, 1st Placed of Appearance in Europe, Absolute Winner of Appearance in Europe, PonyIsland Champion, The Best Dressage Horse, 1st Placed of The Best TrainingPlan Competition, Most Beautiful Sporthorse in PonyIsland, 1st Placed of The Big Sporhorse Show, Best Appearance Horse in Warum Weekend II., 1st on Warum Weekend II., Good Dressage Horse in Warum Weekend II., 2nd on Warum Weekend II., GHP Dressage Horse, Champion Dressage Horse, Better Dressage Horse in Europe, 2nd Placed of Dressage in Europe, Best Dressage Horse in CdO, 1st on Disciplines Cup 2011, Jobb gets Kategrij L, J Alma Gymlcs L a Fruit Appearance II.-n, 3rd on Fruit Appearance II., Nice Dressage Horse in Warum Weekend III., 3rd on Warum Weekend III., Better Advanced Horse, 2nd on April & May Dressage, The Best Bay Horse in PonyIsland, Champion in Dressage, 1st Placed of Bay Horses Competition, Best Scary Movie Horse, 1st in Motel Category,The Best Stallion Dressage Horse,1st Placed of Dressage for Ferrero Rocher,The Best Bay Dressage Horse,The Most Beautiful Horse in Oldenburger Category,1st Placed of 3rd Stage in Tour de France 2011,Good Oldenburg Horse in Big Appearance,Better Horse of Mistral Hojris Grand Prix,2nd Placed of II. Dressage & Jumping Cup,Legjobb l az Augusztusi Kllemversenyen a Salyza Lk.-ban,1.helyezet a 1. kategriban, az Augusztusi Kllemversenyen,Legjobb l az Augusztusi Kllemversenyen a Salyza Lk.-ban,1.helyezet a 3. kategriban, az Augusztusi Kllemversenyen,Szp l az Augusztusi Kllemversenyen a Salyza Lk.-ban,3.helyezet a 2.kategriban, az Augusztusi Kllemversenyen, Nouvelle Lune Champion, 2nd of Redemeer Dressage, Gorgeus horse in the Sporthorses Night, Horse in the Sporthorses Night, Better Horse in Dressage, 2nd Placed of Dressage Cup in Germany, Better, Better in WLE, 2 hely az szi Nagyjtkokon, Jobb l a djugrats-profi kategriban, Good in WLE, 3 hely az szi Nagyjtkokon, J l a kllem-mn kategriban, Nice Stallion, 3rd Placed of II. Bay & Chestnut Appearance, Excellent, Most Beautiful Trot Horse, Darius de Azevedo Champion, The Best Oldenburger Horse in Darius de Azevedo, Better on Big Competition without practices, 2nd in Dressage Category on Big Competition without practices, Good Appearance Horse, 3rd Placed of Musical Appearance Cup, Gyztes az V. Salyza Kupn a Salyza Lovaskzpontban, 1. Helyezett a Kllem Kategriban az V. Salyza Kupn, J l az V. Salyza Kupn a Salyza Lovaskzpontban, 3. Helyezett a Djlovagls Kategriban az V. Salyza Kupn, Best Horse in Big Autumn Show, Better dressage horse in WLE, 2nd in Dressage with the Golden Cup, Better in Name Appearance, The Best of Winter Cup in Magnolia, Nice Horse in PS, Legjobb l a Holiday in Autumn-ban a Salyza Lk.-ban, 1. helyezett a Holiday in Autumn-ban, Good Dressage Horse, Best horse in The old one appearance, Better Horse in Bacardi Breezer Respect Race, Better in Cheval De Course, Legjobb l a Novemberi Kllemversenyen a Salyza Lk.-ban, 1.helyezet az oldalrl kategriban, a Novemberi Kllemversenyen, Nagyon j l a Novemberi Kllemversenyen a Salyza Lk.-ban, 2.helyezet a szembl kategriban, a Novemberi Kllemversenyen, Absolute winner in Run to Dawn Horse Center, The most beautiful horse in ABC Appearance
sszesen: 132 (22 itt) db eredmny (djlovagls: 7 db, kllem: 15 db)
Ebbl: 63 (11 itt) db els hely, 50 (9 itt) db msodik hely, 17 (2 itt) db harmadik hely
I. hely szi Nagyjtkok | Djlovagls - kezd kat. |
I. hely Big Competition without practices | Djlovagls - kezd kat. |
I. hely Big Autumn Show | Mnek/herltek (1. csoport) |
I. hely Winter Cup in Magnolia | Profi kat. |
I. hely Coloured Dressage with Songs | Walking in the Air kat. | *abszolt gyztes
II. hely Big Competition without practices | Djlovagls - profi kat. |
II. hely Dressage with the Golden Cup | Djlovagls tervvel kat. |
III. hely V. Salyza Kupa | Djlovagls - profi kat. |
I. hely szi Nagyjtkok | Kllem - mn kat. |
I. hely V. Salyza Kupa | Kllem kat. |
I. hely Holiday in Autumn | Sznkllem - pej kat. |
I. hely The Old One Appearance | Mn kat. |
I. hely Novemberi Kllemverseny | Oldalrl kat. |
I. hely ABC Appearance | A-L kat. |
II. hely Jrmd Kllem | Vgta kat. |
II. hely Name Appearance | 15 bettl kat. |
II. hely I Love The 90's Appearance | Eros Ramazotti kat. |
II. hely Autumn Appearance | Szeptember kat. |
II. hely Bacardi Breezer Tiszteletverseny | Mnek klleme kat. |
II. hely Fajtakategris Kllemverseny |Melegvr sportlovak kat. |
I. hely Novemberi Kllemverseny | Szembl kat. |
III. hely Musical Appearance Cup | Classical Music Cup |
Idekerlse eltti eredmnyei:
1. hely: Kllem
1. hely: Kllem
1. hely: Djovagls
1. hely: Kllem
1. hely: Djlovagls
1. hely: Kllem
1. hely: Kllem
1. hely: Kllem
1. hely: Gait Krung, gets kat.
1. hely: Gait Krung, vgta kat.
1. hely: II. Domino Colour Krng
1. hely: Summer Appearance
1. hely: Nederland's Grand Prix
1. hely: Domino ABC Appearance
1. hely: Appearance with Birth Years
1. hely: Szakgak Versenye
1. hely: MLK Lovas Vilgkupa
1. hely: VI. Domino Color Krung
1. hely: Breeding Race of Young Horses
1. hely: Appearance for Ferrero Rocher
1. hely: GHP Nagy Kllem Gla
1. hely: II. Gait Krung
1. hely: II. Gait Krung
1. hely: II. Domino Dressage Cup
1. hely: Harmony Appearance
1. hely: Horses 'Kind' Appearance
1. hely: II. Sporthorse Competition
1. hely: Monarchia ABC Appearance
1. hely: Knock Out Dressage
1. hely: Dressage in London
1. hely: Colorful Appearance
1. hely: Appearance of the Varieties Under
1. hely: Appearance for Dressage Horses
1. hely: Drink's Appearance
1. hely: Horse & Me Appearance
1. hely: Big Golden Tea Cup, kllem kat.
1. hely: Big Golden Tea Cup, djlovagls kat.
1. hely: Monarchia D&D Kupa
1. hely: I. CdO Appearance
1. hely: Dressage Horse Race
1. hely: Appearance in Europe
1. hely: The Best TrainingPlan Competition
1. hely: The Big Sporthorse Show
1. hely: Warum Weekend II.
1. hely: Disciplines Cup 2011
1. hely: Dressage in Paris
1. hely: Bay Horses Competition
1. hely: Scary Movie Appearance
1. hely: Dressage for Ferrero Rocher Stallion's Grand Prix
1. hely: 3rd Stage inTour de France 2011
1. hely: Augusztusi Kllemverseny 1.kategria
1. hely: Augusztusi Kllemverseny 3.kategria
1. hely: Sportlovak jszakja, kllem, oldenburgi kat.
2. hely: Kllem
2. hely: Djlovagls
2. hely: Kllem
2. hely: Djlovagls
2. hely: Kllem
2. hely: Djlovagls
2. hely: Kllem
2. hely: First Summer Appearance
2. hely: I. Everlee Appearance
2. hely: Dressage for the moment
2. hely: Gymlcs s szneik Kllem
2. hely: Fajtakategris Kllemverseny
2. hely: Parknyit Fajtakategris Kllem
2. hely: Trick or Treat, djlovagls kat.
2. hely: Trick or Treat, kllem kat.
2. hely: Sportlovak jszakja
2. hely: Breeding Race of Young Horses
2. hely: Appearance for Ferrero Rocher
2. hely: Ferrero Rocher & Hey There Tiszteletverseny
2. hely: GHP Nagy Kllem Gla
2. hely: Appearance for Everybody
2. hely: I. Bellador Kupa
2. hely: szbcsztat Djlovagls
2. hely: Novemberi s Decemberi Djlovagls
2. hely: III. Monarchia Hziverseny
2. hely: Domino Breed's Appearance
2. hely: Big Horse Appearance
2. hely: 50. Jubilee Competition
2. hely: Warum Weekend II., djlovagls kat.
2. hely: Dressage in Europe
2. hely: Jrmd Kllem
2. hely: April & May Dressage
2. hely: Dressage for Ferrero Rocher Bay Horse's Trophy
2. hely: Big Appearance
2. hely: II. Dressage & Jumping Cup
2. hely: Redemeer Dressage, profi kat.
2. hely: Dressage Cup in Germany, Borussia Grand Prix kat.
3. hely: Kllem
3. hely: Djlovagls
3. hely: Kllem
3. hely: Competition la Equestrian
3. hely: I. GP Horses' Championship
3. hely: Background Competition
3. hely: Dressage for Only Sporthorses
3. hely: November & December Appearance
3. hely: III. Fajtakategris Kllemverseny
3. hely: Appearance Under the Christmas Tree
3. hely: Dressage Horse Race
3. hely: Fruit Appearance
3. hely: Warum Weekend III, djlovagls kat.
3. hely: Augusztusi Kllemverseny 2.kategria
3. hely: Sportlovak jszakja, djlovagls kat.
4. hely: Kllem
4. hely: German Horses Show
Abszolt gyztes: Monarchia ABC Appearance
Abszolt gyztes: Drink's Appearance
- szi Nagyjtkok: 200 000 Ft + 100 000 Ft
- II. Bay & Chestnut App.: 100 000 Ft
- Jrmd Kllem: 60 000 Ft
- I. We love everything!™ TenyszSzemle: 900 000 Ft
- Big Competition without Practices: 900 000 Ft
- Musical Appearance Cup: 100 000 Ft
- V. Salyza Kupa: 700 000 Ft + 500 000 Ft
- Big Autumn Show: 50 000 Ft
- Dressage with the Golden Cup: 800 000 Ft
- Name Appearance: 50 000 Ft
- Winter Cup in Magnolia: 100 000 Ft
- I Love the 90's Appearance: 150 000 Ft
- Holiday in Autumn: 800 000 Ft
- Autumn App.: 500 000 Ft
- The Old One App.: 150 000 Ft
- Bacardi Breezer Tiszteletverseny: 30 000 Ft
- Fajtakategris Kllemverseny: 200 000 Ft
- Novemberi Kllemverseny: 600 000 Ft + 700 000 Ft
- Coloured Dressage with Songs: 1 000 000 Ft
- ABC App.: 30 000 Ft
sszesen: 8 720 000 Ft
Tenyszszemle eredmny:
I. We love everything!™ TenyszSzemle
- 28/30 pont = 93,3% - Kivl tenyszl
- Nyeremnyek:
Elite, Elite in WLE, Kivl tenyszl, 30-bl 28 pontot rt el az I. We love everything!™ Tenyszszemln
900 000 Ft
